06-06: Richmond, VA Destination: 06-07: Winston-Salem, NC

Why travel now, “there is a pandemic happening?” Making a road trip during what is basically becoming more like the apocalypse, makes it even more thrilling. COVID-19, peaceful protests around the country, riots in some areas, police combating protestors in others, not to mention murder hornets are a thing.

I arrived at my Airbnb in Winston-Salem around 11pm. Didn’t stay too long, so this first post will be more about RVA, my home for almost all of my life.

I protested on four different days in Richmond, some during the day, some at night. I visited the Robert E Lee monument on Saturday for the last time before I left. I may not be present for when the monuments are removed, but I have a feeling I may be chanting “No Justice No Peace” a few more times before I arrive at to my destination of Los Angeles, California. 

This feels like the true end to the Civil War. The Confederacy never lost, they just signed a treaty.

Don’t forget what actually made “America Great”. It was an experiment, a land of promise, hope, and freedom for those who were given the privilege to experience it. That privilege was held on by tooth in nail by the so call founders of this country.

The simple truth is there would be no America with out my people. I don’t just mean by the contributions of individual Africans American pioneers through our country’s history. It is a common saying that this country was built on our backs. As long as I don’t try to elevate my status in our country’s unspoken caste system than everyone is okay with me.

To this day, I have to struggle to enjoy something that is considered normal for a White American on a daily basis is enough problems as it is. Not to mention the being given either weird looks or “token” treatment, sometimes both. Sorry I’m not trying to be white, and the effects of segregation are still present enough that it is actually your racism that makes you identify it as a “White only” activity. 

Seriously, can a Nigga just enjoy himself.

Unpopular Opinion #1: Some stayed by choice.

Now I know the Deep South is known for its cruelty towards my people and the number of civil rights/human rights violations were just brushed aside and seen as a way of life. I had a discussion with a European American —yes, I’m taking it there for the sake of this blog— from VA Beach who came to see the soon to be removed Robert E. Lee Memorial’s makeover. 

He told me about an white officer he knew in New Orleans who shot a pregnant African American woman and slid the gun to the underneath the door to and convicted her husband. No charges were filed, the husband was framed. The End. 

I’m glad he joined the protest, holding in that kind information itself should be considered a crime. Besides it’s not like anyone would of cared, I’m pretty sure the police force down there laughed about it over beers.

The fact I wasn’t appalled, and just said “I don’t doubt it” is a pretty depressing reality to accept. I’m proud to do my part in the shifting of our society’s consciousness and know we are living in an era where the concept of justice and accountability won’t be as ambiguous. 

I mean lynching was a spectacle not to be .

I was also listening to Young Money Radio on the way to NC and Lil Wayne’s discussion with Killer Mike was more than relevant for both the story I was told a few days ago and the times were currently living in.

It’s amusing that a few years ago in Richmond we were having an active debate about removing the monuments and money to remove them was the biggest issue. Funny how quickly an 115 page report  and lack of budget can be made null and void with a little pressure.

It’s amusing that a few years ago in Richmond we were having an active debate about removing the monuments and money to remove them was the biggest issue. Funny how quickly an 115 page report  and lack of budget can be made null and void with a little pressure.

I’m not upset at Mayor Stoney like a lot of the protestors were, taking down the monument just made a bigger target for the opposition. The movement sees his indecision as betrayal and going by his brief appearance during the protest and later breaking down, he probably does too. 

I know plenty of people who don’t care. I went fishing recently and watched two white teenagers criticizes the protestors for violence and then chuck fish at cars on the interstate about 20 feet from the bridge. Hypocritical as it gets, but racism is wouldn’t continue if people didn’t enjoy it. 

I couldn’t think of a perfect time to leave. I actually made the plan to leave not too long after I graduated college, but family, financial issues among other things held me back. It wasn’t too hard to say goodbye because this isn’t the end, I’ll be back to visit. I’m glad I stayed long enough for what almost feels like the unmasking of our country’s own Scooby-Doo villain feels almost too good to be true. 

Oh right. There is a Pandemic going on and I’m supposed to writing about my travels.

Album of the Day:

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