Dreamers, they are named after an American dream they may never be able to experience. It is estimated over 500,000 eligible immigrants will be unable to apply for DACA status and among the 650,000 applying for renewal, they will be limited to only one year instead of normal two. The DACA Dreamers act was pretty thorough and fair on what it takes to be eligible and there should be no reason individuals who have lived in this country for most of their youth should have to deal with the fear of persecution and being detained by Immigration and Customs Enforcement. For the record, 74% of US citizens support permanent legal status for undocumented children and 75% favor residency for all undocumented immigrants who meet a certain standards.

The protest held in Santa Ana wasn’t only to protest Trump’s decision to defy the Maryland district court and Supreme Court ruling on DACA; it was to stand in solidarity with Portland and to demand the release of children and families from ICE detention camps. It is circumstances like this mother making a decision between having a sponsor for her two year old daughter or to keep her detained and the 93% positive COVID-19 tests among of detainees in a detention center that made BAMN select their issue to protest.

Coalition to Defend Affirmative Action, Integration & Immigrant Rights and Fight for Equality By Any Means Necessary(BAMN), are the organizers of the Santa Ana protest. The far-left group named after the term coined by Frantz Fanon and popularized by Malcolm X actually keep their protests peaceful and have been going strong in promoting their agenda as well as standing in solidarity with Black Lives Matter. Santa Ana is the residency for many of the protesters Saturday’s event and is a sanctuary city that unfortunately knows the wrath of Department of Homeland Security and its (ICE) all to well.

On a more personal note: I really need to practice some Spanish so I don’t botch the chants next time.

¿Qué queremos? ¡Justicia!
¿Cuándo? ¡Ahora!

Hasta la Próxima,


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