COVID-19 was a big slap in the face to our society, reminding us of how fragile our lives truly are, how to appreciate our loved ones, and how valuable time really is. During the middle of Pandemic, Curtis Moses reevaluated his entire life with one stroll in a dog park. He was pet sitting his friend’s dog while listening to a music podcast about what makes the mist successful artists so great at their craft, then everything just hit him all at once. Moses broke down in tears and had the realization that he wasn’t satisfied with the direction his life was going. He may not remember the name of the podcast and the bystanders in the park may not have thought much of his brief breakdown, but to Moses this moment will be etched in his mind forever.

This epiphany led to Moses invest in himself by using his producing skills to start making his own music. Moses adopted the moniker name virtue. moshe and begun his path with the single, “s a y l e s s”

“Don’t try to be someone your not. Like no lie, give this what you got. Stop overthinking, just pick it up and run with it. Love life, don’t forget to have fun with it.”

line from virtue. moshe – s a y l e s s

virtue. moshe’s symphonic hip-hop fusion track plays almost like a Ted Talk on lifehacking in that it feels like he is gaining confidence throughout the song and ultimately gives you game on how to do the same.

“The message of the song is that you don’t even realize how things will come to you as you just start to do it. I think we have such an idea of how things are supposed to be, that we let that idea of what things are supposed to be prevent you from actually even getting started,” stated virtue. moshe.

virtue. moshe
Photo Credit: Tiana Sharp

Virtue. Moshe’s purpose for flipping the meaning of the popular phrase “s a y l e s s” — “we live in a society where everyone is talking and no one’s listening, you know? So it was like, How could I flip this word that everyone uses? This phrase everyone uses, so commonly into something that resonates more with what I was going through at the time and that I know other people are going through,” said virtue. moshe.

Though he began the songs creation back in 2019, his fruits of labor were not harvested until recently. According to virtue. moshe, the complementary horns of Will Allen was the biggest alteration and a necessary addition to his original version. Outside of that and a few line changes the song basically remained the same. The biggest tipping point to the release this gem was him going all in as an artist, becoming virtue. moshe.

Moses artist name wasn’t just some name he stumbled upon through something as random as an online rap name generator. He has been going by just virtue since high school, retaining a portion of his former music group, Patient Virtue. Moshe was added years later after a individual close to him revealed to him that his last name Moses’s Hebrew translation is Moshe. As Moses received the Ten Commandments from God at Mount Sinai, virute. moshe received his own Commandment — or should I say virtue — at a Los Angeles dog park and “s a y l e s s” will be the first of many to efforts for him to share his virtue with his listeners.

“There’s only one virtue, and the one virtue is like unconditional love. If you can master unconditional love, then you have mastered all the other virtues, all of those all go under that one thing. That’s really what I’m about and that’s what I want to put in my music and my art and my life, everything that I do truthfully”.

s a y l e s s is available on Apple Music, Spotfiy, Tidal, SoundCloud, YouTube, and several other streaming services via this link.


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